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48. Tư vấn bác sĩ

48. Medical Advice: What's the Matter?

3.644 lượt xem


Carla: So, how are things going, Steve?

Steve: Well, to be honest Carla, I was feeling great on Saturday, but I started to feel sick Sunday afternoon. I thought I'd get better, but I feel worse than before. And I'm really worried because I'm scheduled to give a presentation at work on Friday, so I have to be better by then.

Carla: Well, what seems to be the problem?

Steve: Well, I thought I had the flu, but the doctor said it was just a bad cold. He gave me some cold medicine to take care of my stuffy nose and fever. I'm supposedto take the medicine three times a day after eating, but it doesn't seem to help. He also told me to stay off my feet for a day or so, but I'm so busy these days.

Carla: Listen, forget about that medicine! I have just the thing to get rid of bad colds. You see, my mom is really into herbal medicine.

Steve: Oh, no thanks.

Carla: Ah, come on! Give it a try. You just take some of my mom's herbal tea and drink it four times a day. Believe me. You'll be up and dancing around in no time.

Steve: Dancing around in no time, right? Well, I guess. Nothing else seems to be doing the job.

Carla: Great. I'll come by your place at 7:30. See you then.




Key Vocabulary [Top]


  • the flu (noun): informal for influenza, like a very bad cold with chills and fever 
    - Ashley came down with the flu, and she couldn't go to school for a week.


  • stuffy (adjective): closed or blocked 
    - I have a really stuffy nose and can't breathe very well.


  • be supposed to (verb): expected to do something
    - She was supposed to stay in bed and rest, but she went to work instead.


  • seem (verb): appear 
    - My dad didn't seem very sick this morning, but he got worse during the rest of the day.


  • stay off your feet (idiom): put into action
    - If you want to get better, you have to stay off your feet for a few days.


  • get rid of (phrasal verb): do away with, eliminate 
    - Try my garlic soup. It'll help get rid of your bad stuffy nose.


  • come on: said to encourage someone to do something
    - Come on! Call and make an appointment to see the doctor. You're not going to get better on your own.

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