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42. Cửa hàng cho thuê đĩa

42. Rental Shop

3.599 lượt xem
  • issue (verb): provide or give something usually to members of a group
    - The health club issued me a new membership card because I lost my last one.


  • keep track of (phrasal verb): watch and pay careful attention to what is happening
    - We need to keep track of the video we have checked out. Otherwise, we might have to pay a late fee.


  • anyway (adverb): used to say you will do something regardless of something else
    - I know the DVD is expensive, but I'm going to buy it anyway.


  • release (noun): a new movie or CD that has just been available for purchase
    - This is a new release, so it will cost a little more to rent.


  • buck (noun): informal for one dollar
    - This video only cost me a buck to rent for three days.


  • come to (verb): add up to a certain money total
    - Renting the two videos comes to $5.00 plus tax.


  • overdue (adjective): late, not returned as expected
    - This video is overdue now, and I should have returned it yesterday.

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