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40. Gia sư ngoại ngữ

40. Private language tutor

3.578 lượt xem
  • had better? (modal of advice): have to, must, with a feeling of possible negative consequences 
    - You had better find a private teacher and start studying more, or you will fail the class.


  • something matters (verb): something is important and makes a difference 
    - Good study habits matter in learning and passing classes.


  • once (adverb): one time 
    - I had a great teacher once, and she taught the subject very clearly.


  • lie (verb): not tell the truth 
    - Brandon lied and said he took lessons from a private French teacher, but he can't even say hello in the language.


  • guy (noun): informal for person, usually a man 
    - That guy is a real good language tutor if you need help with your Chinese.


  • whole (adjective): full, complete, used to emphasize the noun 
    - I did poorly on the whole test.

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