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29. Homestay tại Mỹ

29. Homestay in the USA (esl-lab.com)

3.479 lượt xem
  • make it (verb): arrive at
    - I don't think I can make it to the party tonight.


  • pick up (verb): learn something
    - My sister picked up Russian very quickly during her time in the country.


  • roomie (noun): informal for roommate
    - Our roomie never cleans the kitchen and leaves his dishes in the sink.


  • laid-back (adjective): easy-going, casual, or relaxed personality
    - My teacher is very laid-back about everything. I can turn in my homework late, and she doesn't mind at all.


  • get along with (verb): have a relationship with
    - Why don't you get along with your roommate these days?


  • dorm (noun): short for dormitory, a building usually a a college or university where students live
    - Are you going to live in the dorms at college next semester?

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