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54. Du lịch bằng máy bay

54. Travel on Sky Airlines

3.579 lượt xem
  • bound (adjective): going to or heading for 
    - The plane is bound for London with stops in Atlanta and New York City.


  • feet (noun): 12 inches or 0.3 meters 
    - The flight attendant was only few feet a way when I got her attention.


  • announce (verb): give information
    - We need to wait at the gate until they announce our flight.


  • connecting flight (noun): when you arrive at the airport, your next plane is there to get on so you can continue your trip
    - We didn't arrive in time to catch our connecting flight.


  • crew (noun): all of the people who work together on a ship, train, or plane
    - The plane's crew were very friendly and helpful.


  • destination (noun): the place you are going to
    - What is your final destination on this trip?


  • altitude (noun): height
    - This plane flies at an altitude of 31,000 feet..


  • approach (noun, also a verb): nearing or coming to
    - It started to snow very heavily as the airplane started its approach to the airport.
    - The plane is approaching the airport.




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