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43. Gọi món tại nhà hàng

43. Restaurant Order

3.611 lượt xem
  • I'd: "I would," also "we'd" or "they'd" 
    I'd like some fries, and she'd like the grilled chicken sandwich.


  • sound (stative verb): seem, look, appear 
    Italian food sounds great for dinner. Let's go this evening. 
    Eating at that restaurant sounds expensive. I want to look at the menu before we order. 
    The kids sound really hungry. We should stop soon and get a bite to eat before we reach the hotel.


  • feed (verb): give food to someone 
    - We should feed the kids before we start our trip.


  • whole (adjective): large in size 
    - I can't eat the whole pizza by myself, but it will feed the whole family.


  • actually (adverb): used to stress that something is true 
    - I ordered a cheeseburger, but actually, I'd like to change my order. I want a fish sandwich instead.


  • wild (adjective): very excited or enthusiastic 
    - We had a wild night at the Mexican restaurant last night. It was fun.


  • whew (interjection): used to show that you are very surprised or relieved 
    - Whew! I thought I lost my wallet, and I wasn't going to be able to pay the bill. Fortunately, I found it in the car.


  • a bit (of) (adjective): a small amount of something 
    - With a bit of luck, we'll find a good restaurant tonight for dinner in this small town.

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