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28. Ngày lễ truyền thống (lễ tạ ơn và giáng sinh)

28. Holiday Tradition:Thanksgiving and Christmas

3.658 lượt xem
  • sledding (noun): the activity or sport of ridding on a sled, usually in snow 
    - I took the kids sledding yesterday down a real fun hill, and we had a great time.


  • particular (adjective): special or specific 
    - Our family doesn't do anything particular on Christmas morning besides opening up gifts.


  • sneak (verb): to advance or approach without being seen 
    - My son often tries to sneak into the kitchen and take a cookie when no one is watching.


  • hide (verb): to prevent from being seen or discovered 
    - Parents often hide their children's Christmas presents to keep them a secret.


  • generous (adjective): willing to give or share freely 
    - People are often very generous around the holiday season and donate.

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