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GTS6.13. Bạn cảm thấy thế nào vào những ngày mưa

how does rain days make you feel

3.580 lượt xem

how does rain days make you feel?

Well, it really depends. I guess rain has different impacts on me.

There are times when I find the rain extremely relaxing and it creates a peace in my body and mind. What's more, it's amazing to watch the raindrops as well as hear them fall on the rooftop. I also love the smell of the rain.


 But sometimes, the rain makes me melancholy. Because the sky is so dismal and overcast. It's miserable. Besides, I might feel slightly uneasy during rainy days as well. It's muddy all around the street and the day – to – day life affected due to mud and water gathered all around, which causes problems in transportation.

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