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The true cost of gold - Lyla Latif

Giá trị thực sự của Vàng - Lyla Latif

2.939 lượt xem

The true cost of gold - Lyla Latif - YouTube

Dig into how foreign corporations exploit African nations like Mali for their gold mining, and often rob them of proper compensation.




In 2020, Mali produced over 71 tons of gold— an amount worth billions of dollars. But Mali saw only $850 million dollars from that gold. And this situation isn’t unique: a number of other gold-rich countries in Africa aren’t seeing the income they should given the price of gold. So, what’s going on? Lyla Latif digs into how foreign corporations exploit African nations for their resources.


Lesson by Lyla Latif, directed by Jeffig Le Bars, Jet Propulsion.


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