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Phong trào truyền cảm hứng cho Holocaust - Alexandra Minna Stern and Natalie Lira

The movement that inspired the Holocaust - Alexandra Minna Stern and Natalie Lira

2.875 lượt xem

Trace the history of the eugenics movement in the US, and discover how the belief in ideal genetics led to forced sterilizations.

Alexandra Minna Stern and Natalie Lira: The movement that inspired the  Holocaust  TED Talk



Since ancient Greece, humans have controlled populations via reproduction, retaining some traits and removing others. But in the 19th century, a new scientific movement dedicated to this endeavor emerged: eugenics. Scientists believed they could improve society by ensuring that only desirable traits were passed down. Alexandra Minna Stern and Natalie Lira detail the history of eugenics in the US.

Danh mục: Video TED


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