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Đâu là Quốc Gia đáng sống nhất ?

What’s the best country to live in?

3.237 lượt xem

What's the best country to live in? - YouTube

Discover the shortcomings of using GDP to measure a country’s well-being, and what alternatives can be used to gauge quality of life.




What’s the best country to live in? Is it the one with the best food? The longest life expectancy? The best weather? For the past 70 years, most governments have relied heavily on a single number: the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP. But it was never intended for its current purpose; and some argue that we are addicted to making it grow. Explore the different ways countries measure quality of life.


Directed by Xenia Galchin, AIM Creative Studios.


Danh mục: Video TED


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