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Tại sao các bang của Mỹ vẫn luôn chia rẽ ? - Kevin Ehrman-Solberg and Kirsten Delegard

Why are US cities still so segregated? - Kevin Ehrman-Solberg and Kirsten Delegard

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Why are US cities still so segregated? - Kevin Ehrman-Solberg and Kirsten  Delegard - YouTube
Discover the dark history of the American suburbs, and how practices like racial covenants restricted access to home ownership for people of color.




Beginning in the 1800s, people began writing clauses into property deeds that were meant to prevent all future owners from selling or leasing to certain racial groups, especially Black people. These racial covenants spread like wildfire throughout the US, making cities more segregated and the suburbs more restricted. Kevin Ehrman-Solberg and Kirsten Delegard explore the legacy of these practices.


Lesson by Kevin Ehrman-Solberg and Kirsten Delegard, directed by Sofia Pashaei.

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