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Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu bạn ở đỉnh của núi Everest - Andrew Lovering

What happens to your body at the top of Mount Everest - Andrew Lovering

3.005 lượt xem

Explore what happens in your body when you don’t acclimate to higher altitudes and the dangers of altitude sickness.



What happens to your body at the top of Mount Everest - Andrew Lovering -  YouTube

If you teleported from sea level to the top of Mount Everest, things would go bad fast. At an altitude of 8,848 meters, you would likely suffocate in minutes. However, for people that make this journey over the course of a month, it’s possible to survive at the peak for hours. So what happens in our bodies that allows us to endure this incredible altitude? Andrew Lovering investigates. 


Lesson by Andrew Lovering, directed by Vitalii Nebelskyi, and action creative agency.

Designed by Alexandra Bolotova

Animated by Volodymyr Boyko

Danh mục: Video TED


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