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Bạn có thể thông minh hơn ngụy biện đã chia rẽ một quốc gia không? - Elizabeth Cox

Can you outsmart the fallacy that divided a nation? - Elizabeth Cox

3.054 lượt xem

Explore the middle ground fallacy, which assumes that the truth is always a compromise between two extreme opposing positions.


--Elizabeth Cox: Can you outsmart the fallacy that divided a nation?  TED  Talk


It’s 1819. The US is preparing to make Missouri and Maine new states. One representative insists that slavery shouldn’t be allowed in any new state. Another believes it should be a state’s right to choose. A compromise is proposed: slavery will be allowed in Missouri and prohibited in Maine. Can you spot the problem with this compromise? Elizabeth Cox explores the middle ground fallacy. 


Lesson by Elizabeth Cox, directed by TOGETHER.

Danh mục: Video TED


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