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Hey. what are you doing?Hey. what are you doing?00:16
- Jesus. - Did you get a good look?- Jesus. - Did you get a good look?00:22
Blue Toyota Camry. that's all I saw.Blue Toyota Camry. that's all I saw.00:25
It's the Wartons' dog.It's the Wartons' dog.00:27
Oh. man.Oh. man.00:28
It's not gonna make it.It's not gonna make it.00:30
Go see if they're home.Go see if they're home.00:31
It's okay.It's okay.00:44
There are two kinds of pain.There are two kinds of pain.00:49
The sort of pain that makes you strongThe sort of pain that makes you strong00:51
or useless pain. the sort of pain that's only suffering.or useless pain. the sort of pain that's only suffering.00:53
I have no patience for useless things.I have no patience for useless things.00:59
Moments like this require someone who will act.Moments like this require someone who will act.01:03
Who will do the unpleasant thing.Who will do the unpleasant thing.01:07
the necessary thing.the necessary thing.01:10
No more pain.No more pain.01:18
It was a hit and run. I'm awfully sorry.It was a hit and run. I'm awfully sorry.01:22
He must've jumped over the fence again.He must've jumped over the fence again.01:25
Look. Steve is gonna file a report on the car. He'll put his people on it.Look. Steve is gonna file a report on the car. He'll put his people on it.01:27
We'll track them down.We'll track them down.01:30
Shall we?Shall we?01:54
...three. two. one....three. two. one.01:55
Happy New Year!Happy New Year!01:57
President-elect Garrett Walker.President-elect Garrett Walker.02:07
Do I like him? No.Do I like him? No.02:09
Do I believe in him? That's beside the point.Do I believe in him? That's beside the point.02:10
Any politician that gets 70 million votesAny politician that gets 70 million votes02:13
has tapped into something larger than himself.has tapped into something larger than himself.02:15
larger than even me. as much as I hate to admit it.larger than even me. as much as I hate to admit it.02:17
Look at that winning smile. those trusting eyes.Look at that winning smile. those trusting eyes.02:19
I latched onto him early on and made myself vital.I latched onto him early on and made myself vital.02:22
After 22 years in Congress. I can smell which way the wind is blowing.After 22 years in Congress. I can smell which way the wind is blowing.02:25
Jim Matthews. his Right Honorable Vice President.Jim Matthews. his Right Honorable Vice President.02:30
Former governor of Pennsylvania.Former governor of Pennsylvania.02:33
He did his duty in delivering the Keystone State. bless his heart.He did his duty in delivering the Keystone State. bless his heart.02:34
Now they're about to put him out to pasture.Now they're about to put him out to pasture.02:38
But he looks happy enough. doesn't he?But he looks happy enough. doesn't he?02:40
For some. it's simply the size of the chair.For some. it's simply the size of the chair.02:42
Linda Vasquez. Walker's chief of staff. I got her hired.Linda Vasquez. Walker's chief of staff. I got her hired.02:48
She's a woman. check. And a Latina. check. But more important than that.She's a woman. check. And a Latina. check. But more important than that.02:52
she's as tough as a two-dollar steak. Check. check. check.she's as tough as a two-dollar steak. Check. check. check.02:56
When it comes to the White House.When it comes to the White House.02:59
you not only need the keys in your back-pocket.you not only need the keys in your back-pocket.03:01
you need the gatekeeper.you need the gatekeeper.03:03
As for me. I'm just the lowly House Majority Whip.As for me. I'm just the lowly House Majority Whip.03:05
I keep things moving in a CongressI keep things moving in a Congress03:07
choked by pettiness and lassitude.choked by pettiness and lassitude.03:09
My job is to clear the pipes and keep the sludge moving.My job is to clear the pipes and keep the sludge moving.03:11
But I won't have to be a plumber much longer.But I won't have to be a plumber much longer.03:15
I've done my time. I've backed the right man.I've done my time. I've backed the right man.03:16
Give and take.Give and take.03:22
Welcome to Washington.Welcome to Washington.03:24
You need a haircut.You need a haircut.05:04
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Sóng Gió Chính Trường - Phần 1 - 1

House of Cards - Season 1

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House of Cards - Sóng Gió Chính Trường:  Phần 1 - 1. 

Chính trị luôn là những rắc rối và những bí mật khủng khiếp chưa được hé lộ, và nó cũng không khác gì một chiến trường khi những người ở đó luôn sẵn sàng hạ bệ nhau bất cứ lúc nào. "Sóng Gió Chính Trường - House Of Cards" kể về Francis Underwood, người biết tất cả các bí mật trong chính trị - và sẵn sàng phản bội lại tất cả để trở thành tổng thống.

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Danh mục: Phim bộ

hung lam 5 years ago

, không có Sub VI

haitd1 6 years ago

Tập 1 phụ đề bị lỗi, không có Sub VI, Ad fix lại sớm nhé!


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