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Tại sao loài Vẹt có thể nói ? - Grace Smith-Vidaurre and Tim Wright

Why can parrots talk? - Grace Smith-Vidaurre and Tim Wright

2.975 lượt xem

Grace Smith-Viduarre and Tim Wright: Why can parrots talk?  TED Talk

Explore the specialized anatomy that allows parrots to talk, scream, curse, and recite facts like humans. 




Whether they’re belting Beyoncé, head-banging to classic rock, or rattling off curse words at zoo-goers, parrots are constantly astounding us. They are among the only animals that produce human speech, and some parrots do it almost uncannily well. How is this possible? Grace Smith-Vidaurre and Tim Wright dig into the anatomy that allows parrots to talk, scream, curse, and recite facts. 


Danh mục: Video TED


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