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Tại sao con ngươi mắt mèo luôn nằm theo chiều dọc? - Emma Bryce

Why do cats have vertical pupils? - Emma Bryce

3.572 lượt xem

Dive into the incredible diversity of animal pupils, and how the different shapes indicate the animal’s role in an ecosystem.

Why do cats have vertical pupils?  The Kid Should See This



Peering into the eyes of different animals, you’ll see some extraordinarily shaped pupils. House cats, for one, are twilight hunters with vertically elongated pupils. Many grazing animals, like goats, have rectangular pupils. Other animals have crescent- or heart-shaped pupils. So, what’s going on? Why are there so many different pupil shapes? Emma Bryce digs into the science of animal vision.


Lesson by Emma Bryce, directed by Bálint Gelley, CUB Animation Ltd.


Danh mục: Video TED


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