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Đài phát thanh đã hạ gục những tội ác chiến tranh - Diana Sierra Becerra

The rebel radio that brought down a war criminal - Diana Sierra Becerra

6.046 lượt xem

Get to know the story of Radio Venceremos, an underground radio collective that fought US-backed fascism during the Salvadoran Civil War.




Since the 1800s, a handful of oligarchs had controlled nearly all of El Salvador’s land, forcing laborers to work for almost nothing. But in 1980, farmers and urban workers formed guerrilla groups to overthrow the US-backed dictatorship. These revolutionaries were attacked from every direction, but a group of rebels refused to be silenced. Diana Sierra Becerra shares the story of Radio Venceremos.

Danh mục: Tin tức Quốc tế


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