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Cách chim bồ câu chiếm lĩnh thế giới - Elizabeth Carlen and Joanna Moles

How pigeons took over the world - Elizabeth Carlen and Joanna Moles

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Elizabeth Carlen and Joanna Moles: How pigeons took over the world  TED  Talk

Trace the ancient history of the pigeon, and discover how these birds became one of the most abundant species on the planet.




Seeing their meat as a protein source and their poop as the perfect fertilizer, humans brought pigeons into captivity as far back as 10,000 years ago. As we carried pigeons around the world, they formed the wild urban flocks we're familiar with today and became one of the most abundant species on the planet. Elizabeth Carlen and Joanna Moles track the feathery flier's rise to world domination.

Danh mục: Video TED


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